Potty Training – Know When It’s the Best Time

From the day your baby is born, you watch them as they grow and hit each stage in development that adds to each and every milestone.  Potty training is one of the biggest accomplishments your child can make while he/she is growing up.  Not to mention a huge milestone in their growth. The bigger question is when do you know when it’s time for them to start?  Some start their kids too early while others start them too late.  Each and every person has their own opinion as to when their child should potty train.  Well, I’m here to tell you that there’s six ways to expertly tell that your child is ready to potty train.

Here are 6 keys to knowing when your child is ready to be potty trained:

  1. Pulling at a wet or dirty diaper.
  2. Hiding to pee or poop.
  3. Interest in others’ use of the potty, or copying their behavior.
  4. Having a dry diaper for a longer-than-usual time.
  5. Awakening dry from a nap.
  6. Telling you that they’re about to go, are going or have just gone in their diaper.


While it’s not an exact science, utilizing these six steps can give you an idea of what to look out for and truly know when to at the very least, try and see if you will become successful.  If these few steps to get you started do work then great!  If they do not, you can wait a little longer and try try again.  Never give up because if they continue to see your persistence, eventually they will give in.  There are also times where he/she will let you know then they are ready.  If that ends up being the case, then it just became the easiest task you could accomplish together!  As long as he/she became potty trained, then that’s all that matters at this point.