Getting Healthy Without Limitations

Getting healthy is key for anyone who wants to lose weight.

For many people, getting healthy is just a new year’s goal.  To others, its a lifestyle.  When I was in my twenties, I went on an extreme health binge.  I was overweight, always tired, and had breathing problems among other issues.  Determined to overcome this obstacle and get healthy, I began to track my meals and I joined a kickboxing class.  As I began to see immediate results, I became addicted to kickboxing to lose weight faster.  After losing over forty pounds and six inches off the waist, I started taking two kickboxing classes a day instead of just one.  As time went on, my weight loss started to level off.  I wasn’t losing any more weight no matter what I did.  With the hopes that I can jump start my metabolism, I added a third class to my day.

It was after my third day of working out three times a day that I got sick.

My symptoms included dizziness, nausea,  vision change, hearing impairment, etc.  A few days later, I was diagnosed with vertigo.  I overworked my body so much that I began to have endless migraines, back pain, and multiple episodes of vertigo.  The doctors explained to me that, now that I have vertigo, I will never be able to get rid of it.  I will have it for life.  My journey to a healthier life has taken a halt due to my injuries. I saw many different doctors over the years in an attempt to cure my present health condition.  Some doctors included a chiropractor, an ear/nose/throat specialist and several physical therapists, none of which solved my problem.  I can’t do any type of exercise without experiencing back pain and migraines after.  I never knew how hard it was to try getting healthy until I ran into these obstacles.

After reading Muscle Imbalances 3.0, I can now finally reach my health goals without the worry of any of my injuries getting in the way.  This book comes with a lot of extras such as webinars, as well as other reading material.  It covers different parts of the body, certain imbalances that the body has as well as ways to correct the imbalances.  This book also goes over other parts of the body and where different injuries may occur as well as how to strengthen these injuries.  It has helped so much that now i feel more confident in being able to recharge my journey to a healthier life just by making a few adjustments to my exercises so that I won’t experience the pain that triggers my pain and my vertigo.